By Robert Rister
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Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
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Here are some key concepts for coping with amenorrhea, written from a holistic health perspective. Any of these considerations might make the critical difference in re-establishing normal periods.
Sexually active heterosexual women who miss their periods may be pregnant. When appropriate, a pregnancy test should always be performed before extensive medical examination to determine the cause of amenorrhea.
Women who have amenorrhea should limit their consumption of caffeinated coffee to 1-2 cups per day. Caffeine can contribute to osteoporosis.
Heavy use of marijuana interferes with estrogen and progesterone production and can cause amenorrhea.
Vaginal dryness is an indication of low estrogen production, but the frequently recommended soy isoflavones, red clover, and black cohosh are not appropriate. Flax seed (not flaxseed oil) may be more helpful, when taken for 3 to 4 months.
A hallmark of overexercise is the willingness to exercise even when exhausted, injured, or ill. Exercise under these circumstances is anxiety driven and should be reassessed.
Delayed puberty can be a sign of thyroid dysfunction. Girls who have not had their first period by age 14 should be referred to a health provider for diagnosis and advice.
Amenorrhea with unusual hair growth is a symptom of polycystic ovarian disease (POD), and unusual hair growth in women athletes is a strong indicator of the condition. Treatments for POD overlap those for type 2 diabetes (see Polycystic Ovarian Disease).
Drugs to limit menstruation to once or several times a year will in themselves do little to enhance athletic performance, since muscle strength is more or less constant during all phases of a woman's menstrual cycle.
Women who need to reduce calorie consumption to meet the requirements of their sport should eat more high-fiber foods before trying to reduce carbs, fats, or proteins. Heavy exercise reduces the body's sensitivity to the hormone cholecystokinin, but high-fiber foods, particularly oat bran, increase the production of the hormone and relieve hunger.
Read Understanding Amenorrhea and Natural Therapies: Amenorrhea. Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books and over 2,000 articles on natural health.
Recommended Reading
Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
Including Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Cramps & Endometriosis.
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