Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 26 - 2010 All About Amenorrhea Articles

Home Remedies For the Treatment of Amenorrhea That You Should Know
By Ryan Mutt

Recommended Reading
Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
Including Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Cramps & Endometriosis.

Amenorrhea is a state of woman in her reproductive age where menstruation is absent. During this period a woman will not experience any menstrual bleeding. Amenorrhea has two stages- Primary and secondary. It is not so common condition in females. But Amenorrhea is significantly seen during pregnancy and lactation. During the primary stage of Amenorrhea a patient suffers from irregular menstrual cycle. The gap between two cycles increases exponentially finally leading to the secondary stage. During this stage total absence of period occurs. Secondary stage can be determined when a woman misses her cycles for over a couple of months.

Amenorrhea, though not a life threatening disease but it certainly needs attention. More importantly it causes mental trauma and physical pain to one who experiences it. This condition can be caused due to several reasons. Addressing the reasons causing Amenorrhea in a patient is the proper way to start the treatment. A series of home remedies for the treatment of Amenorrhea is available with satisfactory outcome. But before trying them out one should study and figure out the exact cause of it. Most common reasons are either hormonal change and imbalance or dietary insufficiency.

Some very efficient home remedies for the treatment of Amenorrhea are as follows. Mix jaggery with a teaspoon of sesame powder and have it thrice daily. Soak ten dates and five almonds in goat milk overnight and have it thrice. You can also add a teaspoon of fenugreek powder and oil to a cup of milk and take it twice daily. An herbal mixture of jaggery, flex seed and ghee mixed in boiled water to be taken twice daily before the due period. Tomato juice and chaste tree berries are also very effective remedies for the treatment of Amenorrhea. Plain ginger tea made out of alfalfa and comfrey leaves also help. Some simple ayurvedic treatments include banana flower, honey and sugar cooked with curd or cinnamon with a glass of milk every night or mixture of gooseberry juice and honey twice daily or a cup of milk with asparagus root twice daily.

Some home remedies for the treatment of Amenorrhea include some simple Asanas or yoga practiced at home. Yoga like Dhanurasana, Padmasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Sarvanmgasana etc help treating Amenorrhea. Some day to day things should also be followed like increase intake of water by 2 to 3 liters a day, consumption of plenty of fluids like fruit juices, butter milk, clear soups etc. Have a banana regularly and make sure your fluid intake is 4 liters/day. Also if malnutrition is the reason then have seeds, nuts, calcium food, citrus fruits, iron etc. But before following these blindly please consult a gynecologist.

Read useful Home Remedies for Amenorrhoea. Find herbal Female Libido Enhancer

Recommended Reading
Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
Including Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Cramps & Endometriosis.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 19 - 2010 All About Amenorrhea Articles

Post Pill Amenorrhea - Why Won't My Period Start After Stopping Birth Control Pills?
By Kathryn Sacane

Recommended Reading
Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
Including Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Cramps & Endometriosis.

When you've stopped using birth control pills because you've decided to try for a baby and your period does not resume its normal cycle, it can be very frustrating. This is a common problem for couples trying to conceive. Post pill amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period for three months or more after stopping birth control pills.

Most women who experience this start to wonder what is wrong with their bodies. The source of this problem lies with the hormones in a woman's body.

Birth control pills suppress the pituitary gland's production of the hormones FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones help stimulate the follicles in the ovaries to develop. As the follicles grow, they produce estrogen. After they release an egg, they produce progesterone.

Birth control pills contain estrogen and progesterone. If a woman is taking birth control pills, her body will believe that she is ovulating because of the estrogen and progesterone in the medication. Her pituitary gland will stop producing FSH and LH. Without these two hormones, ovulation does not occur and it is close to impossible to become pregnant (there is always a very small chance that birth control pills may not work for certain women).

After taking birth control pills for a length of time, the pituitary gland may continue to believe that there is a sufficient amount of estrogen and progesterone even after the medication is stopped. This causes her body not to ovulate and subsequently not return to a normal menstrual cycle. This absence of a normal cycle can be the complete absence of a period or irregular periods.

If you are experiencing this, you may be wondering just how long this amenorrhea will last. Most women's cycles return to normal within three to six months. Some women may have to wait up to two years for a normal cycle to return. Although it may sound like you won't get pregnant during the time you are waiting for your period to return, it is possible to get pregnant before the return of your period. It is impossible to predict if a woman will ovulate first or if her period will return first.

What can you do if you are tired of waiting and what to jump start things? Go see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe clomiphene citrate to stimulate your pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH. Although clomiphene citrate is a medication often prescribed, there are other medications available that your doctor may prescribe.

Clomiphene citrate blocks the estrogen receptors in the uterus. This tells your pituitary gland that there is no estrogen and that your body is not producing a mature follicle. The pituitary then produces FSH. The FSH in your body causes the follicles to grow and produce progesterone when one ruptures. The estrogen tells the lining of your uterus to grow so that a potential embryo will have what it needs to survive. If the egg that is released is not fertilized, the lining of your uterus will shed and you will have your period.

If you have stopped birth control pills and have not had a regular cycle or if your doctor has diagnosed you with post pill amenorrhea, don't worry. You aren't the only one going through this. Many women experience this.

Kathryn Sacane has been trying to conceive since August 2007 and has researched extensively about fertility and pregnancy. If you appreciated this article, please visit for more information on about getting pregnant.

Recommended Reading
Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
Including Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Cramps & Endometriosis.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 12 - 2010 All About Amenorrhea Articles

Uterine Amenorrhea

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 05 - 2010 All About Amenorrhea Articles

Amenorrhea - A Natural Treatment Checklist
By Robert Rister Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
Including Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Cramps & Endometriosis.

Here are some key concepts for coping with amenorrhea, written from a holistic health perspective. Any of these considerations might make the critical difference in re-establishing normal periods.

Sexually active heterosexual women who miss their periods may be pregnant. When appropriate, a pregnancy test should always be performed before extensive medical examination to determine the cause of amenorrhea.

Women who have amenorrhea should limit their consumption of caffeinated coffee to 1-2 cups per day. Caffeine can contribute to osteoporosis.

Heavy use of marijuana interferes with estrogen and progesterone production and can cause amenorrhea.

Vaginal dryness is an indication of low estrogen production, but the frequently recommended soy isoflavones, red clover, and black cohosh are not appropriate. Flax seed (not flaxseed oil) may be more helpful, when taken for 3 to 4 months.

A hallmark of overexercise is the willingness to exercise even when exhausted, injured, or ill. Exercise under these circumstances is anxiety driven and should be reassessed.

Delayed puberty can be a sign of thyroid dysfunction. Girls who have not had their first period by age 14 should be referred to a health provider for diagnosis and advice.

Amenorrhea with unusual hair growth is a symptom of polycystic ovarian disease (POD), and unusual hair growth in women athletes is a strong indicator of the condition. Treatments for POD overlap those for type 2 diabetes (see Polycystic Ovarian Disease).

Drugs to limit menstruation to once or several times a year will in themselves do little to enhance athletic performance, since muscle strength is more or less constant during all phases of a woman's menstrual cycle.

Women who need to reduce calorie consumption to meet the requirements of their sport should eat more high-fiber foods before trying to reduce carbs, fats, or proteins. Heavy exercise reduces the body's sensitivity to the hormone cholecystokinin, but high-fiber foods, particularly oat bran, increase the production of the hormone and relieve hunger.

Read Understanding Amenorrhea and Natural Therapies: Amenorrhea. Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books and over 2,000 articles on natural health.

Recommended Reading
Pain Free Periods In 60 Days
Natural Healing To Eliminate Feminine Reproductive Issues
Including Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Cramps & Endometriosis.